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Stretched bacon from Martina Franca

Da 8.50 

Free shipping in Italy

For orders over €49 – Excluding Meat


We only use animals that live in the wild in the Apulian bassa Murgia for all our products, both for cured meats and butchered meats. Our products are processed using artisanal methods. The part used is pork belly or wild boar without the ribs.
Preparation Method
1st Phase: Salting
The bacon is boned and salted with pepper and natural flavourings for about 8 days. It is then washed with vin cotto*, after which it is dried with natural flavourings (pepper, chilli and forest herbs).
2nd Phase: Smoking
The product is smoked for at least one day with strawberry tree (an oak tree found only in the Pianelle di Martina Franca forest), thyme and rosemary.
3rd Phase: Seasoning
The bacon is matured inside a trullo for at least 60 days.
Step 1: Salting
The bacon is deboned and salted with pepper and natural flavourings for about 10 days.
It is then washed with vin cotto; after drying, it is again flavoured with forest herbs.
Step 2: Drying
The product is smoked for at least one day with fragno (an oak tree found only in the Pianelle di Martina Franca), thyme and rosemary.
Step 3: Seasoning
The bacon is matured inside a trullo for at least 80 days.
*Cooked wine/Vincotto: wine obtained by fermenting must and adding cooked must reduced to 1/10.
Seasoning: 80 days
Raw materials: Wild pork from our forests and farms. The piece used is the belly of the pig.
How to pair it: with a nice first course: wholemeal Senatore Cappelli wheat maritati with Brindisi PGI artichokes, Torre canne regina tomatoes, pancetta tesa and smoked scamorza flakes.
A concentrate of aroma and flavour, it is obtained from the lean ventral part of the pig, salted and flavoured with pepper and other spices. When cut, the slice is characterised by the typical alternation of bright red and pinkish white layers. To the palate, the slice is soft with a tendency to melt, thanks to the presence of the fatty parts, which also determine the delicate and distinctly sweet flavour, not without the savouriness that makes the product particularly appetising.
Ingredients: Pork, salt, pepper, vincotto (white wine, grape cooked, sulfites), spices, flavorings, antioxidants E301, preservatives E252-E250, smoked with strawberry wood
Storage condition: store between 0°C and +4°C
Associazione Capocollo di Martina Franca

It was founded on 20 April 2007 with the aim, as stated in the statute, of creating, managing and promoting the production chain of Capocollo di Martina Franca and sharing the inspiring principles of the international Slow Food movement.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg

500 gr, 1 kg, 2 kg


630 Kcal / 2636 KJ


62,2 g

saturated fats

10,7 g


0 g


0 g


16 g


1,85 g

More info

Stretched bacon from Martina Franca
Da 8.50 



  • For orders up to €49 shipping cost €15
  • For orders over €49 free shipping.
  • For all orders that include "Meat" products the shipping cost is always 15€.


  • Shipping costs €40 for all orders

All meat products are prepared and shipped exclusively on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.


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