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Breaded Bombette

Da 20.00 

Free shipping in Italy

For orders over €49 – Excluding Meat


Packaging: The product is vacuum-packed in protective atmosphere trays and shipped in sealed containers with ice.
Store in the refrigerator at a temperature of 4-6 degrees.
Cooking methods: embers, oven, griddle, frying pan.
Le bombette pugliesi are fresh pork roulades stuffed with cheese, salt and pepper, typical of the Itria Valley area, particularly of Martina Franca where the famous capocollo, is produced or pork neck, which dominates among all the meats in the area as a Slow Food Presidium, being a product closely linked to nature and the resources of the area to which it owes its aroma and flavour.
These rolls are rounded and small (about 3-5 cm); the name is linked to theflavour explosion that one feels when eating them and especially when savouring the filling made tasty by cheese: usually the Caciocavallo di masseria, the king of Apulian cheeses, a true delicacy.
There are several variants of this traditional product concerning the filling: to the basic ingredients, capocollo and caciocavallo, arugula and grana cheese, with bacon, breaded.
These rolls are traditionally cooked in the cooker butcher's shops and butcher's shops, but alternatively they can be cooked on the grid or in oven, or sauce.
During village festivals and apulian festivals bombette become an irresistible appetiser served as street food in handy conical cartocci, often accompanied by a slice of homemade bread. We are now protagonists in events involving ‘Street Food’ throughout Italy.
The original bowler hat is what we call the ‘traditional bowler hat’. Over time, however, as we have refined the recipe, without deviating too much from tradition, we have other variations:
  • breaded bombetta with pork neck, caciocavallo cheese, salt, pepper, breading;
  • bombetta with rocket with pork neck, caciocavallo cheese, rocket, salt and pepper.


Ingredients: fresh pork meat, salt, pepper, masseria caciocavallo cheese (rennet, whey, milk), breadcrumbs (bread, salt, pepper, seasoning)
Consumption: consume after cooking
Associazione Capocollo di Martina Franca

It was founded on 20 April 2007 with the aim, as stated in the statute, of creating, managing and promoting the production chain of Capocollo di Martina Franca and sharing the inspiring principles of the international Slow Food movement.

Additional information

Weight 0.50000000 kg

1 kg, 2 kg, 3 kg, 5 kg


250,0 Kcal / 1045,0 KJ


14,3 g

saturated fats

6,3 g


6,9 g


0,6 g


24,2 g


0,92 g

More info

Breaded Bombette
Da 20.00 



  • For orders up to €49 shipping cost €15
  • For orders over €49 free shipping.
  • For all orders that include "Meat" products the shipping cost is always 15€.


  • Shipping costs €40 for all orders

All meat products are prepared and shipped exclusively on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.


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